- Where architecture sleeps: The Most Stylish Hotels in the World
250 of the world’s leading architects offer tips on where to stay during vacation, work trips etc. You’ll find 1200 listings in more than 100 countries. This is a guidebook for travelling inside your home and for architecture aficionados.
The author is Sarah Miller, founding editor-in-chief of Condé Nast Traveller UK.

- Postmodern Architecture: Less is a bore
“Less is a bore” is a quote from Postmodernist icon Robert Venturi’s and his response to Mies van der Rohe’s dictum that ‘less is more’. Postmodernism began in the 1970s, and is a movement which emerged as a reaction against the austerity of modern architecture, particularly in the international style.
Postmodern Architecture showcases examples of the movement around the globe.

- Cooking in Marfa – Welcome, We’ve Been Expecting You (available April, 1st)
Not really an interior design book but this cook book is another way to discover Marfa, an art city lost in the desert. It explores the people and food of the city and its premier restaurant, The Capri with more than 80 recipes inspired by local products.
The authors are Virginia Lebermann who’s from a family of ranchers who have been in Texas for more than 100 years. She co-founded the arts organization Ballroom Marfa, and co-owns the Thunderbird Hotel and The Capri. Rocky Barnette is the chef and co-owner of The Capri.

- Interiors: the Greatest Rooms of the Century
Dive into the 400 of the world’s best living spaces created by over 300 of the most influential people in interior design. It goes beyond architects, decorators, like Elsie de Wolfe, Colefax & Fowler, fashion designers as Pierre Cardin or Coco Chanel, artists as Pablo Picasso or Peggy Guggeinheim, film stars and covers work from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day.

Frank Lloyd Wright: Natural Design, Organic Architecture: Lessons for Building Green from an American Original
This title examines the work of Frank Lloyd Wright as a leader of today’s ‘green movement’ in architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright was an innovator of eco-sensitive design generations ahead of his time. Green design and general green awareness is a major concern today, and looking at the work of Wright in this context is both timely and instructive.